[RESOLVED] the entry point fro AdddllDirectory could not be found in kernel32
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Thread: [RESOLVED] the entry point fro AdddllDirectory could not be found in kernel32

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2024

    Resolved [RESOLVED] the entry point fro AdddllDirectory could not be found in kernel32

    I finally founf the exact driver for a dell prescision M6600 which Win 7 failed to install. But hen I got the entry point error.

    A youtube vid said I needed a KB, which I found but I got the error 'not applicable'

    What next?

    Thanks - rev

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    Solved! At first I got the error 'not applicable to your computer' but I had a theory about why. During the attempted installation it starts 'looking for updates' and doesn't find any. SP1 is considered a Service Pack, not an update. So I updated something completely irrelevant using a tiny KB.

    The above error was gone but then I got installation 'was not successful.' The driver gives you the option to install or extract the files. I extracted the files and tried a manual installation. Failed.

    I happened to remember that you get generic names in device manager, such as Network Adapter and Ethernet Controller. If you try to update the wrong one, it will fail. I tried the wrong one and it failed so I knew the other option was the way to go.

    It's unlikey that any of the above will help anyone but just in case...

    Thanks to all who pitched in, I think the moral of the story is don't believe Win 7 error messages and try to figure out what else might have produced the error you got.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    Link to previous thread that this resolution references:


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