Sharing photos very slow
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Thread: Sharing photos very slow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Surrey, UK

    Sharing photos very slow

    What ho one and all,

    I am a bit of a smartphone Luddite; I have a old Samsung Galaxy J6 but it does everything I need. I only use the camera as a visual notebook, and frequently 'share' with my e-mail address ( so that I can forward to others from the computer.

    Until recently, the send /receive cycle was fast. Send and within seconds, it was in my e-mail Inbox. Nowadays, it can take hours before I receive the image. I have run the maintenance software on the phone and it reports everything AOK.

    What could have changed? Has Google done something to force me to upgrade the phone?

    Thanks and toodle pip

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Largo, Fl.
    So you are sharing it from the phone-folder to Gmail and then sending the file via email to your computer?

    Is the phone connected to wifi?
    Maybe the size of the files has changed?
    Maybe the number of files on the phone is affecting it?
    If you're happy and you know's your meds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    As a test, try sending a .pdf or other file, and a simple email with no attachment using the same method. See if there is any difference.

    Most likely, it is your service provider that is the cause of the issue.

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