iPad Backup and or Restore help ?
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Thread: iPad Backup and or Restore help ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Question iPad Backup and or Restore help ?

    Good Morning All,
    I want to clear off my iPad 5th generation and for the most part I have done so successfully , except the iTunes music,
    Some bought and some home brewed and some downloaded to my videos folder in camera roll and a Ton of home made downloaded videos in iTunes AppleTv ( the little black app at the bottom bar with the white apple ..
    I cant get any of the music or videos , sent , copied , or shared to anywhere , the iPad won?t let me transfer the contents to another app on the device ��
    Can anyone help me with removing these items from the iPad before I restore or factory reset it ?
    Thank You,
    Last edited by nightmoon*; July 22nd, 2024 at 10:27 AM. Reason: Checking for errors

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    Possibly useful links:





    If you encounter any issues or cannot get anything to work, post back with what does or does not happen when you try any of these solutions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Purchased music and videos might have DRM (Digital Rights Management) restrictions preventing transfer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Resolved iPad Bacckup and restore help ?

    Hello jdc2000,
    Thank You for all the links . My iPad went black a poof all my stuff was gone that I added, like documents and apps and some of the home videos and almost All 😡 of my photos from the camera roll were gone 😡 when I was able to bring the tablet back to life again . The YouTube video link you sent had some good info and I just a bit of the info provided from YouTube and and the other links to bring it to life again , but sadly I lost my documents .
    I?ll have to learn to back them up ( new at backing the iPad up )
    Thank You,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Resolved iPad Backup and or restore help

    Hello mathew?s,
    Thank .you for th DRM info , I just never thought of that , I figured one I bought them they were mine , well I had to find out the hard way !
    The videos did have a DRM Restrictions on them , but the music didn?t what was left after the errors on my iPad were fixed I was able to get some videos and all of my music ( no restrictions on the music so it seems , the music was the first ones I tried to back up and zip backed up right away but not the videos .
    Thank You for your help ,

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