USB stick problem
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Thread: USB stick problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Surrey, UK

    USB stick problem

    What ho one and all,

    Probably not the correct heading but as the issue seems to be affecting films / TV shows on a USB stick Home Entertainments seems correct.

    I occasionally save TV series to my desktop computer, then copy to a USB drive so that we can watch on another computer which is our 'TV.' Both computers are running W7.

    The series is saved usually as mp4 to the desktop HDD into a dedicated partition for TV shows, with the appropriate folder name. I usually them copy the folder to the USB or create a folder on the USB and again, Cntl A and copy everything to the USB folder. The I check that it is all working and we are good to go.

    Recently, when inserting into the TV computer, the folder is empty. Return to my desktop and again, the folder is empty. I have run chkdsk and sometimes, rogue bits are found. Run through the process again, all good, but again, on the TV computer, the folder is empty as it is when again checking on my desktop.

    I copied the files one by one, and checked. OK. But again, on the TV and desktop recheck, the folder is empty.

    And this is happening with other USB sticks. It is not possible that three, various USB stick have all developed strange behaviour simultaneously.

    As an aside, one stick shows in File Explorer but will not open/format or anything. Device Manager says it is OK. Dick management does not show it.

    Ran a DOS command to format it, and although listed, the message that the command is not possible. The most frequent message is 'Please insert disk into drive.'

    Grateful for any hints as to what could be happening?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    The first step would be to try to determine how this is happening.

    Try this:

    Copy the files to the USB drive as usual. Make sure to use the Eject function before removing the USB drive from the computer. Remove the USB drive. Wait 30 seconds. reconnect the USB drive to the SAME computer. Are the files visible? Can you copy them to a DIFFERENT folder on that computer? If yes to both, then the source computer would appear to be OK.

    Then, insert the USB drive on the TV computer. Try to copy the files to a folder on that computer. Report back results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Surrey, UK
    Thanks for your reply. I have had one USB recently die completely. File Explorer see it and the power LED glows, but whatever I try suggests inserting a drive into the USB socket. Tried to re-solder the contacts but still zilch. That one is now in the bin.

    This current issue is a different stick with nothing important on it. Appreciate your suggestion but with luck, I have solved the problem. Deleted everything then using Disk Management, formatted the stick with 'quick' off. Then copied the entire folder again and wow! everything is there and it plays. Did try the copy, eject, restart, insert test and everything was readable. More importantly, we could watch on the TV computer. Yipeee!!!!

    Perhaps my one major mistake is that I rarely eject, just unplug while the computer is powered up. Will have to amend my modus operandi.

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