One Shop, Two ISPs. How to make it work? - Page 2
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Thread: One Shop, Two ISPs. How to make it work?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Actually I have read the user guide for various Asus dual-WAN routers. The funny thing is that not only there isn't any instructions on setting up Dual-WAN, the function isn't even mentioned at all in the user guide. After some more digging, I've found some info on their FAQ vut still it isn't answer my question. Asus FAQ:

    I am liking the Synology RT2600ac a lot, specially the availability of a USB port and a SD card slot, both of which can be used like a very barebone, mini, NAS application.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Arkham Asylum, Cell 13
    [Wireless Router] Dual WAN introduction and setup - Failover and Load Balance

    I'm not advocating for a specific brand. If you're more comfortable with Synology, then go for it.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Arkham Asylum, Cell 13
    I just noticed that the model you posted is a little old. The Synology RT2600ac came out in 2017.

    There is a newer model with dual WAN support:

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    The RT6600ax is like twice as expensive (really good specs though, I have to say). I think I am going to start with the cheaper RT2600ac first and see how well the whole scheme works out and then upgrade it the later if necessary.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    One last question. After I set it all up, how do I log into the CC and the VZ gateway to manage them? My understanding is that if the computer' IP is on a different subnet than the gateway's LAN IP, I will not be able to just log in by plugging it the gateway's IP. The Synology factory default IP for the rt2600ac is and so the dynamic IP for my computer would be 192.168.1.x, while the CC gateway is on and VZ is on In the past, every time when I configured a new router, I had to change my computer's IP temporary to be within the router's subnet range, if it was not already. But some people says that I shouldn't have to do that at all and that it should not matter what subnet my computer is on.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Arkham Asylum, Cell 13
    You didn't list the make/model of the modem/routers, but you should be able to access their diagnostics page without changing any settings.

    Once you disable DHCP on both the CC and VZ routers, you shouldn't be touching them. Like I mentioned, they should only be acting as modems.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by Midknyte View Post
    Once you disable DHCP on both the CC and VZ routers, you shouldn't be touching them. Like I mentioned, they should only be acting as modems.
    I am just thinking that, what if for some reasons my dual-WAN setup doesn't work out and I need to go back to turn the gateway's routing function back on. (You see, I am a rather circumspect kind of person. When I am dealing with things that I don't have advanced knowledge of, I'd think about all sort of scenarios and do tons of researches before I act.)

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by Midknyte View Post
    You didn't list the make/model of the modem/routers, but you should be able to access their diagnostics page without changing any settings.
    Thank you. Good to know.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Arkham Asylum, Cell 13
    If you really need to, just use the method you're already using. Set a static IP in the same subnet as the router and access the CC or VS router directly.

    Take good notes of what you are doing, so that you can always undo it if necessary.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Midknyte View Post
    If you really need to, just use the method you're already using. Set a static IP in the same subnet as the router and access the CC or VS router directly.

    Take good notes of what you are doing, so that you can always undo it if necessary.
    This is a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" atitude, I mean it works for now, but for future refference it would be better to find better solutions to that work-around

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