PlayStation 5 'Resident Evil 2' extras, mods
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Thread: PlayStation 5 'Resident Evil 2' extras, mods

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    PlayStation 5 'Resident Evil 2' extras, mods

    It looks like there isn't a lot of activity here on this forum for gaming but I'm hoping to get a correct answer here or at least a point in the right direction. Searches elsewhere just turned up click bait or outright scams.

    Please bare with me, I am very PlayStation illiterate.

    All the mods and upgrades I've seen for this game have been amazing but how can I access and install them?

    Does Sony offer pay for extras or pay to win? If so I've been unable to find them. When I search the PlayStation Store and search "Resident Evil 2" I can only find the game themselves for sale. I already own and installed Resident Evil 2 and 4 from the discs I purchased first hand.

    I would think Sony would offer such features as they could charge for them.

    The "bootleg" mods I've found have all been for the PC version only. I did find some videos saying there is a way to bring PC mods into PlayStation 5 by
    -Off loading the whole game itself to a flash drive.
    -Saving your saved game to a flash drive.
    -Adding the mods to the flash drive on a PC.
    -Reinstalling the whole game on PlayStation 5.

    My problem with following these steps is that it seems very risky and I can't figure out how to do it as all these instructions assume I'm PlayStation literate which I'm not. I really need someone spell out how to do this or what I'm doing wrong.

    I know I'm asking for a lot like someone totally illiterate trying to study Shakespeare but I really want to enjoy Shakespeare.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    I will check into this issue when I have some time from my home computer. Information on this subject would be blocked from my work computer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Just checking back. Now that it's the weekend I have some time to check on recommendations.

    If the PlayStation store offers pay to win products I would have expected them to make it easy to find.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    The information I have seen indicates that Sony does not allow any mods for the PlayStation games. The PC version of Resident Evil 2 can be modified.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    After some trial and errors I was able to buy some play to win or "DLC" from the PlayStation Store. I wasted $2 on "Albert Wesker's Samurai Beretta" which got the best reviews but was also included in the standard $8 DCL pack which does contain very useful MP5, mini gun, and rocket launcher all with unlimited ammo. But no extra health which I'd been warned was very limited just like the ammo in this game. It does seem a bit odd as more health is really what's needed most for any game. I can fight anything with just a knife but I need health.

    I was also able to download and install the free PS5 upgrade for the game which I couldn’t get to work originally as the PlayStation Store kept saying “disc required” and then tried to charge me $15. What they mean is you need the physical PS4 disc and then you’re not charged the $15. I should have double checked before doing so but YES my existing saved games transfer over. I figured out I needed to “download” and then “install” all these features to get them to work.

    “Sony does not allow any mods for the PlayStation games.” That’s why they’re “mods” and not paid upgrades. There are ways to do it but it’s complicated.

    If you can direct me to a forum where someone can walk me through installing these mods I would be eternally grateful. There’s so much click bait it’s hard to find anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Mods for Resident Evil 2 are typically available for PC, and PS5 does not officially support them. Sony offers downloadable content such as costumes and bonus features in the PlayStation Store. The flash drive modding method you mentioned seems risky and might not work due to console restrictions. If you are looking for a modded experience, switching to PC could be a better option.

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