Router - Linksys Model: Linksys24480

Please see the two attached errors I get from a phone and a laptop.

I have had this router for years but now just really dealing dealing with using the "Guest" portion.

I have "guest" access enabled on my router. The guest SSID shows up on the list of SSIDs when you go to settings on my laptop or any of the phones in the house (about 4 different phones). We all use Android phones and the laptop is not a Mac

If I take one my phones and attempt to connect to my guest SSID I receive an error message

"net::ERR_UNSAFE_PORT" (attached pics will show this)

This message appears before you can even enter the password for the guest SSID.

Since this is happening on all of the phones and my laptop and we use different brand name browsers I have to assume there is a setting somewhere in the router that may be causing this issue. I don't mess the router settings that often so I could not even tell you what the last setting I changed was on the router.

I don't know if this has anything to do with this problem but very recently before I attempted to set up a guest SSID my housemate's and his girlfriend were having personal issues between themselves. She told him one day that she knew what sites he was looking at on his phone and she was correct. His phone is password locked and when he was looking at these sites he had the phone in his possession so she was not actually looking/working with his phone in her hand.

Coincidence or not a day later I went to access my router and found that I could not gain access to it either locally or using my account with Linksys. I hardly ever go into my router settings thru a browser but I made it a point to do so when my housemate told me what his girlfriend told him. I had no issues accessing my router prior to that event. The router is in a public area of my home. My thoughts are that she may have pressed the "reset" button on the router and messed with it somehow. She says she did nothing with the router while we were gone. The router is on the same electrical circuit as a few other devices in the same room one of them a digital plug in clock and I noticed when I got home with my housemate that the clock was blinking indicating it lost power. Coincedence again I don't know. But I do know that I have shut the power off to this circuit many times in the past for other reasons and I never lost access to my router. I had to reset the router and set all my devices up all over again because I don't trust her and actually neither does he. Meantime, I have read that if she uses the guest SSID she will not have access to other devices on the home main SSID and this is why I am now starting to use the guest SSID - but I keep getting that error message. It won't even open a browser to allow us to enter the password for the guest SSID. I would really appreciate some assistance on this issue. I don't want to have to give her the main SSID household password. Ijust don't trust her. I am now thinking I will have to move my modem and router into my bedroom which is locked and I have security camera in there.

Any ideas as to why we don't get the browser popup to be able to enter the guest password?

Help please!!


Attachment 15663Attachment 15664