
We both use Gmail. Of course with what is going on now in Ukraine things are very sticky in Russia. Ok, they have always been sticky in Russia but now much more concerning. I have a very dear friend in Russia who we email back and forth a lot. He is becoming more and more concerned about his emails being monitored by Russia. He is almost afraid to email me because he thinks that Russia can read his emails to me and mine to him.

I know a bit about VPNs and he knows nothing about them. I trying to explain to him (with my knowledge) that VPNs will help him feel more secure with what he emails me (except of course if someone gets into his gmail account).

We also want to be able to talk or video talk between us. I don't know much about the apps that allow you to do that but do they work with a VPN? Can we be on one of those apps like Skype with him using a VPN so what we say can't be monitored by Russia? If I don't use a VPN and he does is that bad?

If you can give me a little bit of guidance I would most certainly appreciate it.

What VPN would you suggest? Neither one of us have a lot of money to spend on a VPN either.

Do the apps like Skype work using a VPN?

Thanks for any assistance on this topic. I know it is a hot topic but it is important that we continue to email and talk to each other.

On a side note what about us using our cell phones to talk to each other. Do I need a special SIM card to be able to call him? I use Cricket (ATT) for my cell phone.

Thanks again for any help you can give us.
