How big power supply?
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Thread: How big power supply?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    How big power supply?

    Win 10 64 Home Pro, 24 g RAM, gigabyte 1156 mobo, GeForce 710 gpu

    My computer's old: or the mobo is, a ten year old Gigabyte P56 that functions well enough. 24 gigs of RAM (DDR3), a Sandisk SSD main drive 1 TB, and some other drives and devices, including a Soundblaster G5 audio device. My only beef is that when I plug in too many USB devices my audio quality declines. It gets crackly especially on Youtube. I listen to a lot of music, watch a lot of video.. I upgraded my power supply 4-5 years ago to a 650W. I'm wondering if a more powerful supply would help with the USB drives. I don't want to spend on a new computer when I'm OK with this one.

    Thanks all for the years of help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    The decline in audio quality could be due to a variety of things. If one or more of the USB devices that you plug in triggers Windows to do something in the background, that could result in CPU and memory usage that you might be needing for audio to be diverted elsewhere. A larger power supply might not help with that.

    Are your speakers USB or are they using the Audio (Speaker Out) connector on the sound card or motherboard?

    Power supply calculators:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Decent Logitech USB computer speakers w/subwoofer, nothing fancy but appealing to my ears. @ $120/pr. I'm going from USB out to Soundblaster audio box. I've never tried the Speaker Out connector. Huh! I'm about to.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    According to the calculators I have about five times more power than needed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    A 650 watt power supply should be more than adequate for the hardware you have. I would try the 3.5 mm audio out connector to see if that makes a difference.

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