Legacy Kernel Preventing Sleep?
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Thread: Legacy Kernel Preventing Sleep?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Legacy Kernel Preventing Sleep?

    I know that lately a lot of people have had the same problem, i.e. Win 10 won't go to sleep. For me, first it was USOCoreworker (Windows update). So I set that to Manual in Services. Now, it's showing Legacy Kernel when I run powercfg -requests. I'm stumped again. I have win 10 Home Pro 64, 24 gigs ram, ssd main drive, a lot of peripheral USB stuff. I want to put the whole computer system to sleep until I touch the mouse. Power settings accordingly.

    Legacy Kernel?

    Thanks y'all. You are SO valuable to me, for years!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA

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