Trouble sizing column widths in Word table
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Thread: Trouble sizing column widths in Word table

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Trouble sizing column widths in Word table

    I want to be able to size the columns myself but whenever I do, the table freaks out, wraps, goes off the screen, etc. I tried specific column widths but couldn't get what I want.

    What do I do to stop Word interfering with my column widths?

    Thanks - rev

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Thanks dude! The ruler method worked for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    To adjust table row and column size in Word:

    Click anywhere in the table.
    In "Table Tools" click the [Layout] tab > locate the "Cell Size" group and choose from of the following options:
    To fit the columns to the text (or page margins if cells are empty), click [AutoFit] > select "AutoFit Contents."
    To fit the table to the text, click [AutoFit] > select "AutoFit Window."
    To keep Word from automatically adjusting your column size, click [AutoFit] > select "Fixed Column Width."
    To adjust the row height, click the up and down arrows within the "Height" field. Highlight multiple cells to adjust more than 1 row.
    To adjust the column width, click the up and down arrows within the "Width" field.
    To make all columns the same width, click [Distrubute Columns].
    To make each row the same height, click [Distrubute Rows].

    I hope this information will be able to resolve your query!
    Ben Martin

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