Windows Server 2003 Remove Old User/Registered for Resale
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Thread: Windows Server 2003 Remove Old User/Registered for Resale

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Windows Server 2003 Remove Old User/Registered for Resale

    I got the entire computer network from a doctor's office and am deleting all information from them with a final DOD wipe so the XP OS is correct for the COA sticker. I have one Server 2003 which is what I'm talking about here.

    I have deleted the doctor's user however his full name shows up in the Regestered To.

    I know how to delete this but I'm concerned that I will ruin the "legitimacy" of the OS install which was properly done with correct COA stickers. The whole point of cleaning them is that the OS is correct and genuine. NOTE: I would probably replace his name with "MSIuser" since all the PC's have MSI mobos

    I do not have the install CD's but I suspect the outfit that built these custom PC's did a network install.

    The other network PC's are Windows XP so I'm selling off as a Vintage/Legacy PC.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Largo, Fl.
    Are the computers all store bought Dell type of computers? If so, I wouldn't worry about that. Any Dell branded OS can be installed on any Dell. (provided the OS and hardware match)

    Odds are you'll have to pay someone to haul the stuff off
    If you're happy and you know's your meds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yes, I know about the Dells - one of the reasons I like Dell the best....

    But no, they were custom made by a local computer builder.

    XP stuff is bringing money on eBay - especially rackmounts. I think they are still used for old CNC machines.

    The MSI 865PE Neo2 V mobos are bringing $50 min on eBay and I have 8 PC's with them. So I can part them out, however, I'd like to see a good, clean, "WGA" XP box utilized. NOTE: These have P4 3.0GHz/1.0M/800 HT CPUs and the only other faster XP box I have seen is a SuperMicro I have in an iStarUSA 3U rack mount.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
    Server 2003 is no longer receiving support, so I would not anticipate any issues.

    Possibly useful links:

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