[RESOLVED] Trojan - Wauchos X - id'd by ESet Not removed - Page 2
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Thread: [RESOLVED] Trojan - Wauchos X - id'd by ESet Not removed

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Daly City, CA
    Update Adobe Flash Player: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
    Make sure you UN-check Yes, install McAfee Security Scan Plus

    NOTE 1: Beginning with Adobe Flash Version 11.3, the universal installer includes the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Flash Player.
    NOTE 2: While installing make sure you UN-check any extra garbage which wants to install alongside.

    1. Update your Java version here: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
    Alternate download: http://www.filehippo.com/search?q=java

    Note 1: UNCHECK any pre-checked toolbar and/or software offered with the Java update. The pre-checked toolbars/software are not part of the Java update.

    Note 2: If you're running 64-bit system make sure you install BOTH, 32-bit and 64-bit Java.

    Note 3: The Java Quick Starter (JQS.exe) adds a service to improve the initial startup time of Java applets and applications. If you don't want to run another extra service, go to Start > Control Panel > Java > Advanced > Miscellaneous and uncheck the box for Java Quick Starter. Click OK and restart your computer.

    2. Now, we need to remove old Java version and its remnants...

    Download JavaRa to your desktop and unzip it.

    • Run JavaRa.exe (Vista and 7 users! Right click on JavaRa.exe, click Run As Administrator), pick the language of your choice and click Select. Then click Remove Older Versions.
    • Accept any prompts.
    • Do NOT post JavaRa log.


    Your computer is clean

    1. We need to reset system restore to prevent your computer from being accidentally reinfected by using some old restore point(s). We'll create fresh, clean restore point, using following OTL script:

    Run OTL

    • Under the Custom Scans/Fixes box at the bottom, paste in the following:


    • Then click the Run Fix button at the top
    • Let the program run unhindered, reboot the PC when it is done
    • Post resulting log.

    2. Now, we'll remove all tools, we used during our cleaning process

    Clean up with OTL:

    • Double-click OTL.exe to start the program.
    • Close all other programs apart from OTL as this step will require a reboot
    • On the OTL main screen, press the CLEANUP button
    • Say Yes to the prompt and then allow the program to reboot your computer.

    If you still have any tools or logs leftover on your computer you can go ahead and delete those off of your computer now.

    3. Make sure Windows Updates are current.

    4. If any trojans, rootkits or bootkits were listed among your infection(s), make sure, you change all of your on-line important passwords (bank account(s), secured web sites, etc.) immediately!

    5. Check if your browser plugins are up to date.
    Firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/
    other browsers: https://browsercheck.qualys.com/ (click on "Launch a quick scan now" link)

    6. Download, and install WOT (Web OF Trust): http://www.mywot.com/. It'll warn you (in most cases) about dangerous web sites.

    7. Run Malwarebytes "Quick scan" once in a while to assure safety of your computer.

    8. Run Temporary File Cleaner (TFC), AdwCleaner and Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) weekly.

    9. Download and install Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI): http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/. The Secunia PSI is a FREE security tool designed to detect vulnerable and out-dated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. Run it weekly.

    10. (optional) If you want to keep all your programs up to date, download and install FileHippo Update Checker.
    The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to FileHippo.com to see if there are any newer releases.

    11. (Windows XP only) Run defrag at your convenience.

    12. When installing\updating ANY program, make sure you always select "Custom " installation, so you can UN-check any possible "drive-by-install" (foistware), like toolbars etc., which may try to install along with the legitimate program. Do NOT click "Next" button without looking at any given page.

    13. Read:
    How did I get infected?, With steps so it does not happen again!: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic2520.html
    Simple and easy ways to keep your computer safe and secure on the Internet: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tuto...r-safe-online/

    14. Please, let me know, how your computer is doing.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 1999

    Sorry I didn't reply sooner but like I said in my other post (http://discussions.virtualdr.com/sho...o-the-internet) I am trying to multitask and apparently I suck at it.

    That being said, my computer is doing very well and I feel very happy that it is clean... not squeaky clean like a new install can do, but pretty damn close. As I said, this was all on my soulmate opening an email... we both really do know better, it just caught him at the "dumb" moment.

    I have WOT and Secunia PSI which I try to keep above 93%... isn't filehippo doing the same thing as PSI in checking for updates to programs?

    I run TFC when I do the Malwarebytes scan which is pretty regular. I have not been doing the AdwCleaner as I thought it was the same as Malwarebytes but I'm guessing that is not the case.

    What exactly does Junkware removal tool do? It also looks like a Malwarebytes/AdwCleaner utility. I have read some on each of these and they all seem alike. Is it a matter of what one doesn't catch one of the other ones will?

    I'm really careful when I am searching on the web and only use sites with recommendations or have been vetted by reviewers or are well known. I have had my share of "drive bys" going to disreputable sites. If the address looks the least bit hinky I will pass it up.

    I hope you know how much you are appreciated, not just by me but hundreds who come to this site when something dastardly has happened to their computer. I, for one, am extremely grateful for all the time and energy you put into helping us "noobs" out. (I refer to noobs as

    noun; informal noun: noob; plural noun: noobs 1. a person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet." Not the definition on urbandictionary...!)

    Thanks again!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Daly City, CA
    We run different tools as they looks for different things.
    AdwCleaner and JRT are pretty similar. They look for adwares and other "junk".
    MBAM looks more more serious stuff.

    Good luck and stay safe

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