Canon 250 MP problem
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Thread: Canon 250 MP problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Question Canon 250 MP problem

    For a while, I had where my Canon MP250 would "print," but it wouldn't actually grab the paper. I looked around on several sites and YouTube, dealing with "Error Code 3 - Paperjam." My printer didn't have any paper jammed in it. I even tried "the card board trick," and I simply couldn't get the card board to go through, without bending. Then, I tried a random process to "reset it," as out lined here:

    The semi-good news is that the printer prints, and grabs the paper. The problem is that it will "print" 1/4 - 1/2 of the page, before grabbing the paper (and a twice, it still won't grab the paper). I've tried both standard letter paper, and business card paper, with the same results.

    Suggestions to fully raise my printer back from near dead?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Sheboygan, WI
    If on reach back and unplug it. Let it sit for 1/2 hour or more. Plug back in and test.
    Seen that work a couple times. Seen more printers replaced though.

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