You can download it from
After installing the latest Adobe Reader, uninstall all previous versions. Note. If you already have Adobe Photoshop® Album Starter Edition installed or do not wish to have it installed UNcheck the box which says Also Download Adobe Photoshop® Album Starter Edition.
Alternatively, you can uninstall Adobe Reader (33.5 MB), download and install Foxit PDF Reader(3.5MB) from HERE.
It's a much smaller file to download and uses a lot less resources than Adobe Reader. Note: When installing FoxitReader, make sure to UN-check any pre-checked toolbar, or other garbage.
On this page:
make sure, you have both boxes UN-checked AND (important!) click on Decline button
Make sure, you delete this:
- C:\Users\Michelle\Downloads\iPhone RingTone Maker v.2
Empty recycle bin.
If you intend to install Nero:
- C:\Users\Michelle\Downloads\Nero\Nero-, make sure, you decline AskSBar toolbar installation.
1. We need to reset system restore to prevent your computer from being accidentally reinfected by using some old restore point(s). We'll create fresh, clean restore point, using following OTL script:
Under the Custom Scans/Fixes box at the bottom, paste in the following:
Let the program run unhindered, reboot the PC when it is done
Post resulting log.
2. Now, we'll remove all tools, we used during our cleaning process
Clean up with OTL:
Double-click OTL.exe to start the program.
Close all other programs apart from OTL as this step will require a reboot
On the OTL main screen, press the CLEANUP button
Say Yes to the prompt and then allow the program to reboot your computer.
If you still have any tools or logs leftover on your computer you can go ahead and delete those off of your computer now.
3. Make sure, Windows Updates are current.
4. If any Trojan was listed among your infection(s), make sure, you change all of your on-line important passwords (bank account(s), secured web sites, etc.) immediately!
5. Download, and install WOT (Web OF Trust): It'll warn you (in most cases) about dangerous web sites.
6. Run Malwarebytes "Quick scan" once in a while to assure safety of your computer.
7. Run Temporary File Cleaner (TFC) weekly.
8. Download and install Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI): The Secunia PSI is a FREE security tool designed to detect vulnerable and out-dated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. Run it weekly.
9. (optional) If you want to keep all your programs up to date, download and install FileHippo Update Checker.
The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to to see if there are any newer releases.
I have updated Firefox, deinstalled Adobe Reader and installed FoxIt as recommended. I have also deleted the infected iPhone ringtone maker folder etc.
Nero 7 is actually already installed on my pc (i think) - but i am sure i would of declined the toolbar offer - i HATE all those toolbar offers so, will the installed Nero 7 software be okay?
Rightio, i am off to do all the other clean-up jobs you have prescribed and i will pop back after tp let you know how we are doing.
Broni - thank you SO much for your time and help... you are my 'Genius of the Week'
4. If any Trojan was listed among your infection(s), make sure, you change all of your on-line important passwords (bank account(s), secured web sites, etc.) immediately!
Right, all the cleaning tools have now been removed, Windows Updates are updated, WOT is installed (althoough the site recommendations seem to be different to Norton360's recommendations!) defrag told me it didnt need running and i shall run Malwarebytes and TFC as recommended.
I also installed and ran PSI... it says i have to sort out 7 insecure programs!
But other than that my computer is now running fine, the stubborn file is long gone, i am happy and you, good sir, are a genius.
- free Comodo Internet Security (firewall + AV):
NOTE. During installation, Comodo will also allow you to install AV only, or firewall only, if you prefer to combine one Comodo product with some other product.
If you decide to install Avast, or Avira, make sure, Windows firewall is turned on, or use Comodo firewall..
If you decide to install Comodo Internet Security, or just Comodo firewall, make sure, Windows firewall is turned off.
IMPORTANT!Make sure, you use only ONE antivirus, and ONE firewall.