Before you post, please read!

The more information you can give, the better the answer you will get. Before you post with your network problem, it is always helpful if you can include as much information as possible.

We can help with the problems much better in a detailed, clearly written, post much better than in posts which are unclear or lack information.

Before making a post

  • Please start your own thread for your network problem.
  • Include all of the operating systems you have on the network.
  • Explain how your machines are connected. If you have a router, hub, or any other device on your network be as specific as possible on the manufacturer (eg; Linksys, NetGear or D-Link). Knowing what kind of network card is installed in each machine, and if you can provide us with the model number will also help.
  • If you receive an error then include the full text of the error message.

Additional help (optional)

Providing IPConfig for each computer

1. Click Start - Run - "cmd" (without quotes) in the Open box and press ENTER.
2. Type ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt into the command window
3. Open c:\ipconfig.txt in notepad, copy and paste into your next post.

Taking a screenshot

A screenshot is a capture of an image of your computer. Including a screenshot can be helpful if you have a hard time explaining the problem that you are having. To make a screenshot, follow these steps:

1. With the problem still on the screen, press the PRINT SCREEN key (this key is usually found to the right of the function keys on your keyboard). Windows will copy an image of your screen to memory.
2. Open Paint (or any graphic program) and click Edit > Paste.
3. Save the file and attach it to your post.

Note: Please do not email or PM the staff asking for support. Post on the forums instead, it just may help someone else and will benefit from everyone when they do a search in the forums.

Please take advantage of using the Mark Thread Resolved (Click Thread Tools | Mark Thread Resolved) to let everyone know when your problem has been resolved.