I tried to hook up a new Roko box and it gave me an internal warning about a connection problem. So I called what I thought was ROKU at 855-278-5593.
This was not the real ROKU but I did not know that. They told me my network was infected and took over my computer. They said my network security
was turned off I must have rundl 1 removed from my computer. Then transferred me to what they said was Microsoft at 855-200-2573. A man who
said he was Paul Watson came on the phone and said he would remove Rundl 1, install network security and a Firewall on the network for only $400.00
He showed me a bunch of IP address and said they were put on by scammers so they can get into my computer. I did not believe them and told them I
would call them back. Them I googled their phone and found they are reported as a scam outfit located in China. How do I check my network security
and is there a network security that should be turned on?
